Biological phosphorous clean-up and recycling

Tech ID: 21.690

Key Features

  • Novel strains of green algae with high capacity to sequester phosphorous from water
  • Poly-P stored in these algae are a slow release organic fertiliser


Microalgae can be used to remove excess phosphorous from water and the resulting algae can then be reused as slow-release fertilizer. The technology is based on novel strains of algae that have a dramatically increased capacity to sequester phosphorous, making them an efficient sink for phosphorous present in for example waste waters.

For further detailed information please download the non-confidential summary pdf.


Published: WO2023/198774


Not yet published in the scientific literature.

Contact: Dr Lars von Borcke

Dr Keke Yi and colleagues
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Beijing, China)